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Support Us

How You Can Help

Because our focus is on special needs animals, those considered too old, too ill, or too behaviorally problematic to find a forever home for. They're our long-term residents and we do everything we can to make their lives as happy and healthy as we can. That's where you come in. Your donations help cover the costs of food and veterinary care. Using our Amazon Smile link when you shop online helps too. And if you'd like to send us something from the Helen's Haven  Amazon wishlist we'd be very grateful for the supplies.


Make a tax-deductible donation‏.

Here's what your donations can do:

$25 - one 25 lb bag of general-purpose pet food - for our non-special dietary needs residents (provides 225 meals)

$60 - one 17 lb bag of prescription diet food - (provides 50 meals)

$250 - Vet exam and basic bloodwork on new or existing residents

$350-400 - Ultrasound or X-rays for diagnostic procedures on new or existing residents

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